7–11 Oct 2024
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Asia/Almaty timezone


Not scheduled
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan

The library building of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 71/27 Al-Farabi Avenue
Nuclear physics (Section 1)


Dr Sayrambay Igamov (Institute of nuclear physics of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan)


S.V. Artemov1,2, N. Burtebayev1,3, S.B. Sakuta1,4, S.B. Igamov2, Maulen Nassurlla1,3, Marzhan Nassurlla1,K. Rusek5, F.Kh. Ergashev2, O.R.Tojiboev2, I.Ya. Son2, D.A. Issayev1,3

1 Institute of Nuclear Physics, 050032 Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, 100214 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
3 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan
4 National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182 Moscow, Russia
5 Heavy Ion Laboratory University of Warsaw, PL-20-093 Warsaw, Poland

E-mail: igamov@inp.uz

It is generally accepted that the 12C nucleus is formed mainly by fusion of three α particles, 3α→12C through the Hoyle state (0+) with an excitation energy of 7.65 MeV, as the proton capture by the 11B nucleus at Ep < 100 keV has a small cross section for 12C formation in primary nucleosynthesis. However, the alternative pathways of its formation considered, for example, in the inhomogeneous Big Bang model [1] leading to radiative capture of a proton by the 11B nucleus, cannot be ignored. As noted in [1,2], in the processes of nucleosynthesis in proton-rich environment, the following chains of nuclear reactions may also be important:
The direct measurements of the total S-factors of radiative capture on 12C, even at not too low energies, is a non-trivial experimental task, since it is necessary to measure the γ spectra of low-intensity high-energy γ-quanta (Eγ>10 MeV) and also high-energy cascade quanta [1]. Note that in the astrophysically significant energy region below 100 keV in the 11B+p system there are no resonances, and therefore, for extrapolating calculations of the total S-factors and reaction rates, it becomes very important to know the ANCs for bound states of the proton in the 12C nucleus, which can make a significant contribution to the total direct proton capture cross section.
The aim of this work is to calculate the astrophysical S-factor and the reaction rate 11B(p,γ)12C using the ANC square values for the ground (0+) and excited (2+) states of the 12C nucleus (where the experimental data are available), obtained from the analysis of the peripheral 11B(10B,9Be)12C proton transfer reaction.
The calculation of the astrophysical S factor of the 11B(p,γ)12C radiative capture reaction was carried out within the framework of the modified R-matrix method for transitions to the ground (0+) and 1-st exited (E
=4.44 MeV, 2+) states of the 12C nucleus. This work also presents the results of the calculation of the reaction rate 11B(p,γ)12C based on the energy dependence of the S-factor at the astrophysical relevant temperatures.

1. J.J. He et al., Phys. Rev. C 93, 055804 (2016)
2. V. Guimaraes and C. A. Bertulani AIP Conf. Proc. 1245, 30 (2010)

Section Nuclear physics (Section 1)

Primary authors

Sergey Artemov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, 100214, Ulughbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Nassurlla Burtebayev (Institute of Nuclear Physics, ME of Republic of Kazakhstan) Stanislav Sakuta (Institute of Nuclear Physics, 050032 Almaty, Kazakhstan, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182 Moscow, Russia) Dr Sayrambay Igamov (Institute of nuclear physics of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan) Maulen Nassurlla (Institute of Nuclear Physics, ME of Republic of Kazakhstan) Marzhan Nassurlla (Institute of Nuclear Physics, 050032 Almaty, Kazakhstan) K. Rusek (Heavy Ion Laboratory University of Warsaw, PL-20-093 Warsaw, Poland) Feruz Ergashev (Institute of nuclear physics of Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan) Olimjon Tojiboev (Institute of nuclear physics Academy Sciences of Uzbekistan) Irina Son (Institute of Nuclear Physics, 100214, Ulughbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Damir Issayev (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Presentation materials