Oct 7 – 11, 2024
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Asia/Almaty timezone

Scientific Program

  • The V International Scientific Forum “Nuclear Science and Technologies”

    • Nuclear physics (Section 1)

      • Mechanisms of nuclear reactions and structure of nuclei;
      • Heavy and superheavy elements: synthesis and fission;
      • Nuclear physics of low and medium energies, nuclear astrophysics;
      • High energy and astroparticle physics, cosmology.
    • Energy and materials science (Section 2)

      • Nuclear research and power facilities;
      • Controlled thermonuclear fusion;
      • Nuclear energy safety;
      • Formation and evolution of defects in solids;
      • Structural and fuel materials of nuclear and thermonuclear technology;
      • Modification of materials by beams of plasma and charged particles;
      • New materials and methods for their production, nanomaterials;
      • Physics of condensed matter;
      • Research and technology in alternative energy.
    • Radiation ecology and methods of analysis (Section 3)

      • Radio-ecological studies of former nuclear test sites, risk assessment and dosimetry issues;
      • Technologies for reducing the environmental risk of radiation-hazardous objects and territories, radioactive waste management;
      • Analytical methods in applied scientific research and nuclear forensics.
  • 4th International Conference “Nuclear and Radiation Technologies in Medicine, Industry and Agriculture” (Section 4)

    • Sub-Section 4-1 “Nuclear Medicine”

      Nuclear and radiation technologies in medicine.

    • Sub-Section 4-2 “Radiation Technologies”

      Radiation technologies in industry and agriculture.

  • 8th CERN School “Introduction to high-energy physics, accelerator technology and nuclear medicine”