7–11 Oct 2024
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Asia/Almaty timezone

Standard Model of Effective Field Theory (SMEFT)

Not scheduled
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan

The library building of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 71/27 Al-Farabi Avenue
Nuclear physics (Section 1)


Eduard Boos (SINP MSU)


Despite intensive searches, experiments at the LHC have not yet revealed any statistically reliable manifestations of the effects predicted by theories beyond the Standard Model (SM). In such a situation, attention has recently been paid to the construction of an effective field theory in which deviations from the SM are parameterized by a certain set of gauge-invariant local operators with dimensions greater than four. The talk briefly discusses the main features and current status of this approach, called the Standard Model of Effective Field Theory (SMEFT).

Section 8th CERN School “Introduction to high-energy physics, accelerator technology and nuclear medicine”

Primary author

Eduard Boos (SINP MSU)

Presentation materials

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