7–11 Oct 2024
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Asia/Almaty timezone

Study of the nonleptonic decay $\Xi^0_c → \Lambda^+_c \pi^−$ in the covariant confined quark model

Not scheduled
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan

The library building of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 71/27 Al-Farabi Avenue
Nuclear physics (Section 1)


Zhomart Tyulemissov (INP KZ, JINR)


The nonleptonic decay $\Xi^0_c → \Lambda^+_c \pi^−$ with $\Delta C = 0$ is systematically studied in the framework of the covariant confined quark model accounting for both short and long distance effects. The short distance effects are induced by four topologies of external and internal weak $W^\pm$ exchange, while long distance effects are saturated by an inclusion of the so-called pole diagrams with an intermediate $1/2^+$ and $1/2^-$− baryon resonances. The contributions from $1/2^+$ resonances are calculated straightforwardly by accounting for single charmed $\Sigma^0_c$ and $\Xi^{\prime +}_c$ baryons whereas the contributions from $1/2^−$ resonances are calculated by using the well-known soft-pion theorem in the current-algebra approach. It allows to express the parity-violating $S$-wave amplitude in terms of parity-conserving matrix elements. It is found that the contribution of external and internal $W$-exchange diagrams is significantly suppressed by more than one order of magnitude in comparison with data. The pole diagrams play the major role to get consistency with experiment.

Section Nuclear physics (Section 1)

Primary author

Zhomart Tyulemissov (INP KZ, JINR)


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