7–11 Oct 2024
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Asia/Almaty timezone

Mass and energy distributions of fission fragments of 241Am* compound nucleus with ~11.5 MeV excitation energy formed in 240Pu(p,f) reaction at incident proton energy of 7 MeV and their decomposition into separate yields of fission modes.

Not scheduled
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan

The library building of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 71/27 Al-Farabi Avenue
Nuclear physics (Section 1)


Dilshod Alimov


Mass and energy distributions of fission fragments are formed under the influence of different nuclear shells. Therefore by measuring and analyzing mass and energy distributions it is possible to study nuclear structure. However to form a comprehensive understanding a wide range of mass and energy distributions of fission fragments of different compound nuclei at various excitation energies must be studied. Nuclear reactions with charged particles provide access to much greater range of compound nuclei both in their composition and excitation energy than nuclear reaction with neutrons. To further the study of nuclear structure we present preliminary results of our measurement of mass and energy distributions of fission fragments of 241Am* compound nuclei with ~11.5 MeV excitation energy formed in 240Pu(p,f) reaction at incident proton energy of 7 MeV which we made on U-150M cyclotron at Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty using our Dinode experimental chamber and 2E setup. We also present decomposition of said preliminary mass and energy distributions of fission fragments into separate yields of different fission modes using our new, sensitive method of decomposition which allows us to distinguish small yields from deformed shells.

Section Nuclear physics (Section 1)

Primary author

Mr Andrey Pan (Laboratory of Fission Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics)


Dr Daniyar Janseitov (Laboratory of Fission Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dilshod Alimov Mr Kirill Kovalchuck (Laboratory of Fission Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics) Prof. Nasurlla Burtebayev (Laboratory of Fission Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics) Ms Raisa Kosherbayeva (Laboratory of Fission Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials